Saturday, November 5, 2011

Why am I afraid of Drunks? (In my personal opinion)

As hard as it is for me to admit it, I'm incredibly afraid of Drunks. I'm kinda hoping that I'm not the only one who is.... But I had a question the other day about why? Why am I so afraid of Drunks? Oh.. look at me, capitalizing the letter D in drunks. This is me stereotyping drunks. I guess what I would say to myself about why I'm so afraid, is because I see them as unstable. They are the people who would not always be thinking straight, and humans themselves aren't exactly the best even when they are thinking correctly. So what would they do without their already messed up mind, to guide them. But, that is me stereotyping, which brings me to next subject!

What I want to be perfectly clear in this, is I'm normally scared of the people who completely go through life in a drunk coma. And that isn't to say that everyone who are drunks just drink to drink, some people who are drunks have a ton of pressure on them, and drink to get away from it, and others have just gone through something hard..... ect. 

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