Monday, May 25, 2015

The truth about your worth

Okay so here it is. This is for all of you out there who think of yourself as less than a 5. Everyone else is a 7 or above right? But you, no you are a 3. There is just so much wrong with you and you will never be as worthy of love as the people around you. This post is for you.

I never saw myself as more than a say… 4 if we want to stick with the rating system. Granted there are some days when I still think of myself that way, I don’t think there is anyone out there who always sees themselves as a ten (unless you are totally full of yourself. Which hey. You do you, I ain’t judging.) But for the first time in my life I can see who I really am. I’m beautiful and funny and smart and strong. And I’m not saying that to be arrogant, I just finally can say who I am without feeling like I’m bragging. It took me 19 years to get here, but I got here. And I wanted to share with you the single most important thing I learned along the way.

For 19 years I had people telling me over and over again how great I am. I had plenty of people telling me how horrible or ugly or fat I was too, but many more people telling me how wonderful I was. The thing was, the only people I believed were the people tearing me down. Recently I was talking to someone going through something similar to what I was and ended up saying “It’s amazing how far down words can throw you, but then they can do nothing to bring you back up.” She immediately agreed with me and we went on to talk about something different. I’m sure you guys know what I’m talking about. And that mentality right there, is what kept me as thinking of myself as a 4 for my whole life. Get ready for some clichés, that I completely promise you are totally true.

You know how everyone always says it doesn’t matter how much they build you up, because if you don’t see your worth for yourself, it won’t go anywhere. Well… yeah. If you don’t believe what the people around you are saying, you’re just going to think that they are lying to you. And then you’re going to think they are just pitying you and that’s why they are trying to build you up. And then you’re going to feel even worse about yourself. And yet we still look to other people to build us up. That is something I still don’t get. But I did it for almost two decades so… Looking to others to build up your self-esteem doesn’t work if you are not even willing to be open minded about yourself. For me, that’s all it took. I couldn’t just see myself as this great person right away, but I started to just be a little more open to what these people were saying. If so many people were telling me I was pretty, and smart, and strong, maybe, just maybe all of them were not just telling me the same lie over and over again. I started trying to see the me that they saw. It was not an overnight process, but each day it did get better. If all of these people who I loved and admired so much didn’t think I was worthless… maybe I shouldn’t either. But it took me being willing to actually see some good in myself first.

Look. I know everyone says it, you have to be able to see the good yourself before you’re going to believe it. But believe me when I say that’s true. Nothing anyone says will make you feel better about yourself if you don’t think there’s a reason to believe it. Take it from someone how always saw herself as a failure and a waste of space and air. You have to look to yourself for you self-worth. Not others, at least not at first.

At this point in my life, I don’t think I am more worthy of love than anyone else, but I finally see I am no less worthy of it than any of my amazing friends or teachers or anyone I have ever admired. I am so very broken, but so is everyone else. We are all broken, just in our own ways, and we are all amazing and beautiful and wonderful in our own ways. And we are all equally worthy of love. The trick is getting yourself to believing that. And I know one blog post by some random 19 year old isn’t going to change the hearts of many, but I’m hoping it will be a nudge in the right direction.

Guys, I’ve been there. I’m not just someone who has never really understood what you’re going through and is trying to tell you what works without really knowing if it does. This works. You have to see how amazing you are yourself. People can help you get there, but only if you let them. One of the most amazing people I’ve ever met thought they were worthless because they never let the fact that so many people loved them and cared for them sink in. Because they wouldn’t open themselves up to seeing what we saw. I’m not saying it’s easy, or even the whole journey, but it’s the first necessary step.

I don’t care if we have never spoken or we aren’t really friends or whatever our relationship is. I know you are worthy of love. Because *everyone* has something in them to love. Believe in yourself, because I believe in you.