Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Gossiping. (Remember I'm a pessimist!)

Okay so in the past few weeks I have seen two fairly big movies that kind of focuses on "popular" people, and what really goes on in their "crowd". Pretty much the general gist of both of the movies are that the "popluars" are a bunch of people who are hungry for gossip and would back stab their friends if a) That friend would make them less popular or B) if back stabbing the friend would make them more popular.

So, yeah, this does happen sometimes, even often some might say, which some people would say is why they "don't want to be popular"; because they wouldn't be able to trust any of their "friends". But, does it just happen with the people deemed popular? How much of life isn't just an act? I know people who gossip about some of their friends to their other friends, but who's to say that's only one sided. If someone gossips about a friend to you, how do you really know that that person won't just gossip about you to another one of their friends?

There is a never ending circle in highschool, middleschool, and unfortunately just throughout life that seems to just be filled with a bunch of backstabbing.

(here's where I start to ramble)

 Normally I would just say that if you don't gossip, you can stay out of it... but then you might just be deemed a Goodie-goodie. I guess this is just one area in life where we really have just... like us for us and not care what other people think, and find the few people in life who don't gossip to you and you can actually trust.

What do you think?

There are only a few people in my life who I could personally trust, and it has taken a really long time to get them, but, they  also mean the world to me, and give me that tiny flicker of hope that I still have in my heart. 

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