Thursday, July 4, 2013


       In life there is no rewind button. Once you do something, there is no undoing it. Any choice or action you make will always, ALWAYS be there, and there is no chance for you to change it. Take my junior year of high school for example. I got really sick this year, and I slacked off a ton. Because of that, my already low GPA dropped .08 points. I also got the first F in my life because I didn't do my community service requirements. Now I can do this over the summer, and hopefully bring that F up to an A within two weeks of school starting, but I've already made that mistake, and that is always going to be on my transcript. And because of those choices I made this year, I'm probably not going to get into a good college. Which is going to result in me probably not getting a good job, which will lead to a very hard life. The choices I made this year, are going to affect me forever.
      When you do something, do you think about how it's going to affect you tomorrow? Or next year? Or ten years from now? You should, because everything you do now, is going to impact you at some point later in life. Or maybe it won't impact you, but it will impact someone else. If you insult someone, or make fun of them, you have no idea how much hurt that puts on them, and for how long. You can take two minutes to say something mean or insulting to a person, and those two minutes of your life, could be enough to hurt them for the rest of theirs. I don't understand how people can go around insulting and making fun of people on a daily basis, people they don't even know, and they aren't melting from guilt. Everything you say makes an impact on people. This post is going to make an impact on people, if anyone actually reads it. I'd be completely stupid to think that previous posts in this blog haven't made people mad, or sad, or at least made people think. Once you say something, or do something to someone, you can never take it back, you can say you're sorry, and they can forgive you, but you still hurt them. Even if you don't have enough of a conscience for it to hurt you, your better believe you could have easily hurt other people, and that hurt doesn't exactly go away that easy.
    Look, I'm not saying spend every waking moment thinking about your future, I'm not saying don't live in the moment. But live every moment aiming to make your next moment has great as it could possibly be. And think about the people around you when you're doing that. Their moments deserve to be just as good as yours. Every action you do is permanent, and there is no erasing it, so don't make decisions that you are just going to be regretting for the rest of your life.

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