I was talking to this girl I know today about happiness. She said that she was happy some days, but it was okay because that was life.
That got me thinking. Why is that life? Or rather why do we think that is life? I mean this girl is not the only person who has said that being happy only some days is "life", not by a long shot. I'm not saying that everyone should be happy all day every day with no exceptions, I mean if I was saying that I would be the biggest hypocrite I know. When I told this girl that I didn't think that was life, I thought that was just how too many people, especially in America see it, she asked me how we should see it.
Well that's a good question. How should we see life, or more specifically happiness's role in our life? Here's my attempt at an answer.
At first I was thinking an ideal world everyone would not despair, at least in my eyes because of what Christ did for us. William Willimon said in his book Calling and Character that Christian's weren't allowed to despair (don't quote me on that, I might be wrong or I could have misinterpreted what he was saying). I'm honestly not sure how I feel about that anymore, which is something I will post about later. But now to the point.
Trust me when I say I know that never despairing, even as Christians is impossible. So with that in mind, what is the ideal world? I honestly don't know, but I am pretty sure that I know there is a flaw in the system somewhere. Here's why.
If you ask anyone who has gone on a missions trip to a third world country, they will tell you that the children they met there, these children who have so much worse lives than we do, are happy all the time. They find joy in everything they can. I live in America, and I'm assuming most of the people reading this are from a first world country. (I'm not saying at all that people in first world countries don't have anything to worry about. Don't take it like that at all. I could talk for hours on the things we need to fix in America to make lives better for it's people, that's just not what I'm writing about now okay? Calm down.) While there are still important things we need to deal with here, we have more than many many countries out there do. And yet I bet we could find more to complain about.
I AM NOT SAYING that America is a privileged country that needs to open it's eyes to the real world (though one could make an argument for that) I'm just saying we need to learn to see all the things we have, rather than all the things we don't have.
For example I know plenty of people who will get great grades on exams, but they won't see the points they did get, they'll see the small amount of points they didn't get. I am completely one of those people. (Seriously ask ANY of my friends.) Why can't we just stop, and be happy with our grade. And still strive to do better, not because our first grade wasn't good enough, just because we should always strive to be better.
There is SO MUCH to be happy about in this world. And, yes, there is so much to be sad about in this world. But why do the sad things have to outweigh the good things? Why can't we try to focus on the good things, like those kids who have so little to be happy about? Don't let the joyful things in life pass you by.
So... be happy guys. You're beautiful (or handsome) when you smile. There are people who love you out there, and I am one of them. I hope for the best of all of you.
Love you guys!! Hope I helped a little.
Well, our sin nature is kind of fundamental to most of our problems (not necessarily circumstantial ones such as poverty or loss of loved ones) and happiness is no exception. We are unhappy even with our physical comforts because our human selfishness always wants more or thinks "I deserve better than this." And even if bad things happen, our reaction and whether we are still "happy" or not is still based in our level of selfishness. Ideally, through any trial that could come our way, we should be focused on the Lord, His perfection and providence, etc. and be content in that. Obviously it's hard and nearly impossible under certain circumstances. I don't think Job was necessarily *happy* when he lost everything but he did not *despair*. There is a difference, and I would agree with those who say Christians are not supposed to despair. Job was not happy in the sense we use the word, but he never selfishly said "I deserve better than this." So yeah, I think that's the root of things.