Friday, November 7, 2014


The other day I was in church, and something kind of struck me. We all have had a time when we griped and complained about going to church. For me that was middle school through high school. yeah it was a really long, and really dark time in my life.


We've all had that time when we didn't want to go to church. We have to wake up early on one of our precious weekend days (no I'm not being sarcastic, sleep is my closest friend). There are other things we can use our day for (i.e homework, study, chores, hang out with friends... the list never ends). Trust me I completely understand.

But the other day at church, I realized how ridiculous that was. Think about what Church is for a moment. Think about what you are allowed to do in Church. Think about who's presence you are in.

When we go to church, we are in the presence on all powerful, all knowing, and all loving God. Why do we complain about that? Why do we moan about that privilege? It's kind of like saying, oh gross. I have to go to a concert of a band that I love and have to actually interact with them. Times a billion. Get my point? Why did I let that opportunity pass literally hundreds of times over these last seven years? And that's not even the only reason to go to Church. There is plenty more that goes into a church service to look forward to. If not hearing the word of God (pretty important in a church service), another thing to keep you going would be the community. And I feel the need to say that if the community at the church is not a reason to at least stop by once in a while, there is a problem.

But back to the main point.

Church should not be a chore. It is a privilege. And I am overly grateful and blessed to live in a place where I can go to Church every Sunday. There are plenty of amazing things about church that you should look forward to. I'm not saying that is always going to happen, and I know from here on out I will not always be overjoyed about going to church. But it is certainly something to think about.

Finally some food for thought-Even when we complain about going to church, to go hang out with Jesus, that perfect creator that loves us, He doesn't complain. God looks forward to coming and spending time with us completely broken beings. A perfect God, wants to spend time with us. That is amazing.

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