Monday, July 30, 2012

The truth.

Alright guys, it's time for some hard news. People are going to hurt you. You will trust people that will make you feel like trust shouldn't exist. Adults, the people you think you should look up to will let you down. Some of them will tell you that your dream will never come true. Friends will betray you.

I know that it seems like I'm just a bitter teenager, but the fact is I'm not. I've been hurt countless times. I've had teachers tell me that I'm never going to get anywhere in music, the one thing I've wanted to do since I was a kid. I've had friends tell my secrets to my enemies. And yes. I've had my "best friend" get together with my ex.

It hurts. It hurts a lot, and if you're like me it hurts for a long time. And I know that it doesn't help when people older than you listen to your problems and they look down at you and say "Well that's high school."

So yeah. People will hurt you, and you need to figure out how to deal with that. And lemme tell you, drugs and cutting is not the way to do it. Find someone to be there for you. Or, you can be like me, and just deal with it yourself. But the biggest thing is you cannot let it make you think less of yourself. Look I know that some girl writing a blog on the internet is not going to make you confident in yourself. But, maybe I'll be just one person along the way to help you out with that idea. You know who I care about in your life? YOU. I don't care who tells you that you are not good enough for something. Go out and try it!

Wanna know a secret? I'm on my school diving team. I've wanted to be on that team for 6 years.

I was kicked off that team 3 times this year.

3 times! You know who hated herself at that point? This person right here. Yeah, Jenny. The person who might seem totally confident in herself.

You know why I kept coming back after I was told time and time again that I could not do it?

The thought of wanting to prove them wrong.

I still stink at diving, but I love the fact that I went out and tried it. And no matter how bad I am now, I know that I will try, and try and try, and I will continue to prove them wrong. And I'm doing it for me. Not for them. At least not anymore.

Guys. I know you will get hurt. I know people will let you down. But find someone who can keep you happy and up. If that person is you, then never let someone tell you that you are not worth it, because you are.

Alright. Love you guys, and never forget that.

1 comment:

  1. Very true post. The good news is that somehow everything works together for the good of those who trust in the Lord, and somehow, He will pull your life together. I've been through my share of pain; don't really want to share about it, but I will say that I have been through my share...and the Lord is faithful :)
