Have you ever done something and wondered why you did it? Well okay, I'm sure that everyone has had a moment like that where they've done something stupid and couldn't figure out why they did it, but I mean something different.
Have you ever done something, that maybe wasn't that bad, but later you weren't sure why you did it?
What I mean by that is, did you ever wonder if you did it for yourself, or for the other person?
When I was little people told me that I was always searching for attention, and throughout the years that has made me overly self... judgmental. I'll do things, but then I won't be sure if I did that for the other person... or if I just did it to look better.
What if everything I do is just to feel better about myself? Or to get more attention? That would kind of make me a terrible person wouldn't it? What if I'm just posting this to get people to feel sorry for me?
It's just something I struggle with.
Jenny I'm the same way! I was obsessed with doing things to get attention when I was little, and I still doubt myself to this day..And sometimes I don't even doubt. I KNOW that I was doing such-and-such thing just because I knew that I would benefit from it without questioning wether or not it would hurt other people. I'll be praying for you my dear!