Friday, August 31, 2012

So I thought that I would just share a funny story with you.

Well... I thought it was funny. You might not.

So school started this week, and one of my classes is Honors American Lit. I love this class. My teacher is funny, and the curriculum looks like it's gonna be pretty fun.

On the second day of school, my dad had a chance to talk to my teacher for this class, and he came up to me after and told me that my Teach. had said that I really knew my stuff.

So this confused me.. because I'm pretty sure I've said a total of like 10 things in that class. But my dad said that my teacher.. We'll call him Mr. T (for teacher) had told my dad that I knew all of the stories and arguments for what we were talking about that day. That I was smiling and nodding knowingly the whole time.

Looking back on it, I actually was doing that. But not because I knew all the stories and arguments. (I mean I did, but normally I wouldn't really show that). I was laughing at my own private joke.

Okay so in class we were talking about why we needed to be there. In school, and Mr. T had us write a list of reasons that humans read books.

Something on my list was unbelievably funny to me, and Mr. T kept hinting at what it was, so I kept laughing all through class.

But it all worked out in the end. My teacher now thinks I'm really smart. So win win situation. Class wasn't boring for me, and my teacher thinks I'm smart. Apparently smiling and nodding does make you seem smarter!!!

For those of you wondering what I was laughing at-on my list of why people read books was 

"Relationship Advice"

Thursday, August 30, 2012


It seems like in the world today we are very tolerant. Accepting. We love everyone, and if we don't, well, we are just terrible people right? If we can't accept everyone, then we are, wow. We're just horrible.

So I know what you are thinking. Alright.. Yeah Jenny, where are you going with this? I thought you were a Christian and all "LOVE EVERYBODY BECAUSE GOD DOES!" ?

So first off, anyone who's met me on a good day, knows that I do love everyone. Even the people I sometimes want to hit over the head with a bat sometimes. I have no right to judge people, and I might have already said this, but I always give people a second chance. If someone has hurt me a ton then they lose my trust, but I still love them.
     Now I'm not saying I'm perfect when it comes to this, I don't always love everyone. In fact it's something I struggle with a lot, especially in the past few weeks 

Alright back to the point now. So we're very tolerant. We accept everyone, everyone is equal, and we have to love everyone no matter what our differences are right? Right


Unless, the person in question is not tolerant. Then you can hate them. You can spit on the ground that they walk on, because they are not good people. Yep, I can hear the sound of your eyes rolling right now. You should know by now that I over exaggerate everything. But seriously, it is common for people to look down on the people who openly say they are not okay with everything.

Like us Christians.

Some (Most of the ones I've met) Christians are very open about what they do, and don't believe in. And if they don't believe in, oh I don't know.. Say gay marriage, they are shut out. Looked down upon. Normally, this is because people don't wait long enough to hear the full story.

Here's the thing about Christians-it is in our laws-right there in our Bible-that we be accepting of everyone. Even if we fundamentally do not agree with something that someone, that we accept them. We can pray for them and hope that your opinions will change (And don't freak out over that. It sounds harsh, but it's not), but we should still accept them. See the difference?

Now I'm not saying that everyone is going to be like that. I wish everyone was like that. But not everyone will. I think that most of us strive to be like that, but not all of us are. A quote you should know; "Love the sinner, not the sin". We pretty much all know that quote, and believe it.

So, here's my question-

If (some) Christians are so willing to work to accept people that they might fundamentally disagree with, why can't people work to accept Christians? 

So next time you meet a Christian, don't look down on them (not that you would), and give them a chance to explain themselves. You might be surprised by what you find.

Disclaimer! (if you can really call it that) I do not speak for everyone. I'm being a hypocrite and stereotyping. I know for a fact that not all Christians are that accepting and I know that not all non-Christians hate us. I'm just generalizing. 


Thanks for reading guys! 

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Best Friend.

So... what exactly is a best friend? Is it someone you can rely on and call and talk to at any point of time? Someone that you text or call at any time and they would be eager to talk to you? I read this one in a book, someone that will lend you their car at any point you really need it? Does everyone have that person that your parents consider them their part-time child? And do their parents feel the same way about you? Someone that you hang out with all the time, someone who knows all your secrets and how to read you?

Is that it?

Okay, so who's your best friend? You don't have to tell me, just think about it. Are you one of those people who have one person that just jumps to mind, and you're smiling right now because you just thought of a funny moment with them? Are you one of those people who just have a bunch of people who jump to mind, and you can't really choose one?

Or are you like me, and can't think of anyone like that.?

To my friends, (since the majority of people who read this are my friends) I love all of you, and I consider most of you close, really close. I wouldn't have been able to get by these past few years without my friends. I don't mean to offend anyone by saying I don't have a "Best friend". I call a lot of people my best friends, and trust me, you are one of the most important people in my life, but for the sake of this post... based on the top description, I can't think of anyone.

Am I just putting to high a standard on best friends? I mean are they just someone who you can normally rely on and, so maybe you don't hang out with much, but hey, this is the 21st century! We live in the generation of texting and facetime. We don't actually see each other.

Maybe it's my fault. I'm kind of clingy.. and by kind of I mean very. And I have trust issues. I had some people who I thought of as my best friend, but when one of them hurt me I shut them all out, even though some of them had done nothing to me, at all. Maybe they weren't understanding enough (in my personal opinion), but is that really enough reason to dump a friend? No. So, maybe it's me. I can't let anyone get close enough to have a "best friend". You know, maybe I do have a best friend, I'm just too blind to see them.

Anyways. I'd love to actually hear from some of you guys. Tell me what your best friend is like, and what you think a real best friend is. And please feel free to yell at me, I'm used to it.

Again, I really REALLY don't mean to offend anyone. I really love all of you, and I couldn't get through, anything without you. :-) God has given me some of the most amazing friends on this earth, I just keep hearing these descriptions of best friends, and I just wonder... is it just me?

Have you ever questioned yourself?

Have you ever done something and wondered why you did it? Well okay, I'm sure that everyone has had a moment like that where they've done something stupid and couldn't figure out why they did it, but I mean something different.

Have you ever done something, that maybe wasn't that bad, but later you weren't sure why you did it?

What I mean by that is, did you ever wonder if you did it for yourself, or for the other person?

When I was little people told me that I was always searching for attention, and throughout the years that has made me overly self... judgmental. I'll do things, but then I won't be sure if I did that for the other person... or if I just did it to look better.

What if everything I do is just to feel better about myself? Or to get more attention? That would kind of make me a terrible person wouldn't it? What if I'm just posting this to get people to feel sorry for me?

It's just something I struggle with.