Monday, January 23, 2012

Dictionaries and their wrong information.

Okay. I'm a total nerd. I love dictionaries. No I don't just go randomly go read the dictionary to pass time, because I think that that is the most fun thing in the world, no I'm not that dorky (though if I had a star wars or Harry Potter dictionary, I would read that for fun), but I do love dictionaries. They contain so much information, its just great!

Okay that last line was a total lie. Yes they contain so much information, but I have found wrong information, or stupid information that really doesn't help at all, in too many dictionaries to actually respect them. (Does that mean I'm prejudged against dictionaries? yes, yes it does.)

One of the first things I found in a dictionary that brought me to this decision was when I looked up the word (words?) Guinea Pig. I did this in like 3rd grade so I don't remember the exact definition, but I do remember it saying it saying that Guinea Pigs had tails. Now I currently own 3 Guinea pigs, and in my whole life I have had 30-40 guinea pigs, and I can ASSURE you that they do NOT have tails. In fact one of the most unique things about them is that they DON'T have tails!

Strike one for the Dictionary.

The other thing I hate about dictionaries are the stupid definitions of words. Now I'm not talking about the WRONG definitions, I'm talking about those definitions of words that have one word as the definition, and that word is rooted in the original word. For instance:
Bad (adverb): Badly.

Oh gosh thank you SO much for clearing that up for me.

Strike two for the Dictionary.

And we can never forget those definitions that don't REALLY tell the definitions. Or sort of. Okay so my rant on this comes for this comes from looking up the word Christian. One of the definitions I found is    "a person who believes in Jesus Christ;" 

I just want to say... this really is not correct! Well okay. In some ways this is correct.. I mean us Christians do believe in Jesus Christ. But um.. Jew's also believe in Jesus Christ, they just don't believe he's our Lord. In fact.. even some atheists believe in Jesus Christ... Again they just don't believe he's our Lord. 

So really? Now Christians are ANYONE who believes in Jesus Christ?? hum... Re-think that. 

Strike three for Dictionaries. 


  1. Personally, I DO like reading a GOOD dictionary, and find them very valuable.

    The problems you highlight are examples of why good quality dictionaries are still worth publishing (and paying for), even with the Internet. Those are all classic -- and valid -- problems that serious dictionaries work very hard to avoid.

    But your points also demonstrate some of the reasons why you must always check on your information sources - whether online or in print.
