As I look at this aching world,
I feel assaulted by the despair
Because it seems that no matter where I turn
All I find is suffering.
Relationships that harm instead of heal:
Families torn apart pointlessly.
Sisters and brothers with physical and mental illness,
Friends and family who refuse to acknowledge they exist.
Outside it only gets worse.
Mass shootings in concerts and churches;
Bombings in mosques and on street sides
Hatred borne of fear, borne of ignorance.
Even the earth seems to be rebelling.
Hurricanes wiping out power for months;
Taking away homes and thousands of lives.
Earthquakes crushing cities, bringing hope down with them.
Where does it end, Lord?
When will this pain stop?
Because I’m starting to think
It will only consume us.
As I stand in all this pain,
All this anger,
One question keeps screaming in my head
“Where are you, God?”
But before even a tear hits the ground,
I hear a voice,
More heartbroken than mine,
Calling out in the darkness saying:
“I know this anger:
I know this pain.
And I am right here
With you.”
“I came down to you,
I lived life with you,
I suffered for you,
And I’m not done doing that.”
“I have walked with you -
All of you -
Through every moment of joy
And every moment of pain.
“Don’t forget: I rose again!
I came,
I stayed,
And I’m coming again.”
“So don’t lose hope:
Don’t despair.
I am God, who turns darkness into light,
And this darkness is no different.”
Looking around,
I still see pain,
But I start to see something more:
The light that proves God is still here.
Reconciliation where revenge once held fast;
Families joining with those who were lost.
People shouldering pain for those who cannot bear it themselves
Others speaking out for those who don’t have a voice.
Heroes saving friends
and strangers alike.
People previously unknown to each other
Rallying to help those in need
There is still anger,
But it will not win.
There is still pain,
But it will not prevail.
Because in the midst of this shattered world,
We have a God who creates light out of nothing,
A God who is not blind to pain,
But feels it - and fights it - with us.
And God has promised this is not all that God will do!
God is coming again,
And when God does, God will not just transform the darkness,
But eradicate it.
So God, give us the strength to wait -
And not just wait in despair,
Just barely holding on -
But wait with hopeful fire!
I don’t know how you’ll do it Lord,
But I do know I keep hearing one repeated promise,
Quiet but strong:
“I am coming”