Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Gossiping. (Remember I'm a pessimist!)

Okay so in the past few weeks I have seen two fairly big movies that kind of focuses on "popular" people, and what really goes on in their "crowd". Pretty much the general gist of both of the movies are that the "popluars" are a bunch of people who are hungry for gossip and would back stab their friends if a) That friend would make them less popular or B) if back stabbing the friend would make them more popular.

So, yeah, this does happen sometimes, even often some might say, which some people would say is why they "don't want to be popular"; because they wouldn't be able to trust any of their "friends". But, does it just happen with the people deemed popular? How much of life isn't just an act? I know people who gossip about some of their friends to their other friends, but who's to say that's only one sided. If someone gossips about a friend to you, how do you really know that that person won't just gossip about you to another one of their friends?

There is a never ending circle in highschool, middleschool, and unfortunately just throughout life that seems to just be filled with a bunch of backstabbing.

(here's where I start to ramble)

 Normally I would just say that if you don't gossip, you can stay out of it... but then you might just be deemed a Goodie-goodie. I guess this is just one area in life where we really have just... like us for us and not care what other people think, and find the few people in life who don't gossip to you and you can actually trust.

What do you think?

There are only a few people in my life who I could personally trust, and it has taken a really long time to get them, but, they  also mean the world to me, and give me that tiny flicker of hope that I still have in my heart. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

You know when you're gonna go do something that really means a lot to you, but it really doesn't seem like its something pretty big to your family.. or your friends? You try to keep it cool, and don't make it seem like its big, but really on the inside your dying because you can't wait to do it, because you worked so hard on it? You know how normally your parents don't make it to things like that? Concerts, Games, or even a little performance that you are doing at some fair or something? Why does it hurts so much when your parents don't show up? I mean it shouldn't be anything new... but it normally still hurts. And even more importantly, if we are going to be hurt, why don't we just tell our parents? I mean theoretically our parents love us, so wouldn't they at least care? I mean I do this all the time, I just don't really know why I keep it to myself... its weird.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Another big question.

What is war?


So I'm really confused. Why do styles leave and then come back?? Like the whole one-shoulder-thing. That was  really "In" when my parents were kids, and then it left, and then it came back, and is starting to become big again... I mean it wasn't even that long ago that it was in style... and then it went out of style.. and now its back... isn't it just kinda a waste of time??

Sunday, November 6, 2011

So I just thought of something that kinda scared me the other day...

So you know how people make fun other kind of people, and bring it to the extreme? Like... If someone want to make fun of a valley girl (and my dad calls me a valley girl all the time, so i actually don't have any problem with them... I think they're funny and laid back to tell you the truth) They would be like "OMG, OMG and I was like... and then he was like... and then she came in and was like UH." and we don't actually know anyone like that.. most of the time we're just teasing a friend.. and we don't really think that someone's like that... or maybe we do, but whatever. Well... someone kinda has to be like that for the example to come out... don't they? I'm not really explaining it right.. but do you get it? Everything we make fun of and put to an extreme... there actually is someone or something out there like that...

Weird but true fact: Jack Sparrow (the character) is actually based off a real live person. He's a singer, and the inspiration for Jack Sparrow actually played Jack's dad in Pirates: On stranger tides. Creepy right??? There actually is a "Jack Sparrow" wandering around in the world. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011


You know those people who say "I don't like stereotypers'' (like me for instance...)? Well.... isn't that person kind of stereotyping themselves? In my opinion, or at least my understanding, when someone says "I hate", or "I love" (or anything like that) attached to a certain group, wouldn't that be stereotyping the group? I mean, not everyone is the same in any group, and just throwing all the people in a group, and then stamping labels on them... that's stereotyping... isn't it?

Just something to think about.

Why am I afraid of Drunks? (In my personal opinion)

As hard as it is for me to admit it, I'm incredibly afraid of Drunks. I'm kinda hoping that I'm not the only one who is.... But I had a question the other day about why? Why am I so afraid of Drunks? Oh.. look at me, capitalizing the letter D in drunks. This is me stereotyping drunks. I guess what I would say to myself about why I'm so afraid, is because I see them as unstable. They are the people who would not always be thinking straight, and humans themselves aren't exactly the best even when they are thinking correctly. So what would they do without their already messed up mind, to guide them. But, that is me stereotyping, which brings me to next subject!

What I want to be perfectly clear in this, is I'm normally scared of the people who completely go through life in a drunk coma. And that isn't to say that everyone who are drunks just drink to drink, some people who are drunks have a ton of pressure on them, and drink to get away from it, and others have just gone through something hard..... ect. 

Friday, November 4, 2011

"The only thing to fear is fear itself"

Lets start simple.

So almost everyone knows the phrase that is quoted in the title, but what does it even mean? I'm gonna think about this in a literal way, because that's how I always do.

So, if you should only fear fear, you should be afraid of fear right? But then, you have fear again... so you should be afraid of being afraid of fear, but then you have more fear... don't you? So you should be afraid of being afraid of being afraid of fear...

This is a circle.......

Kinda messed up don't ya think?